Frequently Asked Question

Consultant Qualifications Package Question:
Incorporated in PA - We are in the process of completing our electronic qualifications package and I have a question concerning the "General Information" page. We are located in Akron, OH, but we have a Certificate of Authority to do business in Pennsylvania. Is that the same as being "incorporated" in PA?

It doesn't appear that you have been incorporated under the laws of Pennsylvania. You were probably incorporated under the laws of Ohio. In that case, the Pennsylvania Department of State will need to issue you a Certificate to do Business in Pennsylvania. Unless you already have this certificate on file, you will need to obtain one.

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Created byLast Modified by
Jan A Kantner/PennDOT
on 03/02/2001 at 03:33:08 PM
Jan A Kantner/PennDOT
on 05/22/2001 at 01:03:49 PM