Frequently Asked Question

General Question:
How is this form to be completed?

Step by step instructions are available through the ECMS On-line help. Select BEO Review and Approval and select from the "How Do I" menu. Below is a brief outline of the steps required for submission:
DBE Participation for Federal Projects
- Insert Contact Name and phone number for the Prime Contractor
- Add DBEs from drop-down list (use add button on Participation Screen)
(list includes DBEs that meet the requirement to be certified, pre-qualified and registered business partners)
- Individually edit each DBE to complete the required information and press save
(i.e. DBE contact information, agreement amount, start & completion dates, business type, etc.)
- Add Items from the drop-down list to be performed by the DBE
(list includes items for the project)
- Individually indicate any items that are to be partial items, type in partial description and save
- Select "Submit for Acknowledgement"
- Call DBE to acknowledge
- Once Acknowledged by DBE, remember to SUBMIT
- Participation screens can be submitted individually or in a group once all DBEs have acknowledged
- Side note: If applicable, be sure to mark the following boxes with an "x" prior to selecting submit button:
- self-contained
- request to perform less than 50% of work items
- request for Good Faith Effort Evaluation (fax documents to 717-705-1504)

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Created byLast Modified by
Maria E Heredia/PennDOT
on 02/26/2004 at 09:31:05 AM
Burns N Sarah/PennDOT
on 05/07/2012 at 07:54:43 AM